Save up to $300 Verizon Black Friday

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Coupon Save up to $300 Verizon Black Friday
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Pocket savings from Verizon with Verizon Wireless Deals on premium devices and accessories.

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Pocket promo savings from Verizon with Verizon Wireless Deals on...More

Pocket promo savings from Verizon with Verizon Wireless Deals on premium devices and accessories. Less

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Discount on select LG tablets on deals at LG G4

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Avail the promo deals of Verizon to pick in LG...More

Avail the promo deals of Verizon to pick in LG tablets at discounted prices and offers on your bargains at LG G4 at online purchase for your double bonanza gains. Less

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10% off for select Fitbit Accessories with the purchase of any Smartphone from Verizon

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10% Coupon off for select Fitbit Accessories with the purchase...More

10% Coupon off for select Fitbit Accessories with the purchase of any Smartphone from Verizon Less

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About Verizon

Verizon Communications or, simply, Verizon, is a public company that is featured on the New York Stock Exchange. Established in 1983, Verizon is headquartered in New York City, New York. The company boasts more than 125 million subscribers, making it the largest wireless service provider in the United States. In addition to wireless service for smartphones and tablet computers, Verizon Communications provides Internet, cable television and home phone services for residences. The company also offers telecommunications packages for small businesses with 20 or less employees, medium businesses and enterprises that operate globally or nationally. Consumers and businesses can sign up for Verizon service in stores, by phone or online at